The Importance of Website Analytics

The Importance of Website Analytics

The importance of Website analytics tracking software cannot be overlooked. Website Analytics shows you the activity of your website visitors and measures their online behavior.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers you more insights on the performance of your website than just about any other tool available today. You can find anything from what screen resolution your customers have, what color space they’re using, to what ISP they are using and much more.

Graphs, charts and interactive map

You can get graphs, pie charts, and lists and that’s not all. You can also find an exciting interactive world map that shows you from which countries, states and cities your visitors are coming from, plus when and how they got there!

Search engine Statistics

You also get detailed search engine statistics, such as which keywords are being typed into the search box to get to your site. You also get to see which pages are getting most hits, how users are searching for your website and a lot more data!

Another great thing about Google Analytics is that it can show you how people are getting to your site (which search engines, what percentage of users are reaching your site through referrals, what or where they were referred from and also what percentage of your visitors were direct traffic and what they were typing in to become direct traffic).

The information you get from the referral data shows you which of your marketing campaigns are working and which ones aren’t doing so well. This abundance of information allows you to make easy and quick changes to your marketing strategies and track your progress on an almost daily basis.

Here are some actual visitor statistics from one of our websites,

Site Usage – the number of visits, page view and other statistics

Traffic Sources – where people are coming from